Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blogging-An Act of Self-Important Behavior

I figured that I'd start off my first blog by bashing "the art of blogging." You see, for the longest time I wondered why in the hell would people waste their precious time reading the innermost thoughts, ideas and experiences of a bunch of people that either you know or have no earthly idea who these people are. Then it occurred to me why as I watched another episode of "Flavor of Love 3". People in this new millenium are voyeurs. We like to watch and be entertained by other people's pain, happiness, misery and suffering. Blogging is like the literary form of a reality show where we use our imagination to bring to life the words of the strangers' blogs we read. So in honor of the great "Reality Rennaisance" that has taken place...(Thank you MTV....Without the first season of "The Real World" none of this would be possible) I am now a proud participant of the world of blogging.
Consider yourselves to be lucky that a man of my intellect, charm and wit has decided to embrace this medium and share my thoughts with the world. You may not agree with my opinions and believe me, I have an opinion about EVERYTHING. You may not understand my thought process at times...That's the glory of this forum....A mental trainwreck is waiting to happen to all of us with each blog we post...searching for life's greater meaning and most important of all...Being able to post an opinion or retort to other people's thoughts like what we have to say is so fucking important....
Thank you for taking time to read this...In the time you read this blog you could've done something important with your life...Now I know where I stand with you...Ha...suckers....you're in my world now and I'm not letting you go! By the way...did I mention how important it is that you do read this blog in it's entirety? Otherwise you will miss the real message behind these words I'm sharing with you. It's not what you say...It's how many people that listen to your words and repeat it that matters. Bloggers unite and let's have mental orgasms with each other until we doze off into a coma like sleep and awaken to the reality of our own worlds once again, only to live to blog another day.



Dirty RED said...

I look forward to all the provocative and funny thoughts and ideas. Love you lots

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, I have the same viewpoint about blogs! But now that I've wasted minutes of my life reviewing yours, I still want to know why?

Enjoy yourself!

Pam said...

Boy you are a fool. Welcome to the blogging world. You may actually inspire me to blog. Looking forward to your posts. I've told my friends to check you out. God has given you a gift to write, Sharing your thoughts with the world will let you know that you should actually write that book! I love you Bro!

ayc1969 said...

Cousin, remarkably I share some of your same viewpoints on the reason people blog. I watch Cheaters faithfully every week. Now who among us has not been on either side of the coin regarding that, but every week we watch, comment, judges and otherwise put down and berate the people on the screen. But think, that has been us or in many cases is still some of us. Be honest with yourselves, if given the chance, would you enlist Joey Greco's team of dubious investigators to follow you man or woman around day and night because of a suspicion that you have but already know the truth to, you just cant bring yourself to acknowledge that someone is actually cheating on you?! How many times have you done your OWN detective work to find out what the "f" is going on? Have you ever thought or maybe actually did, put a camera in your home to see what is going on? Have you ever followed someone to only find out that they are sleeping with your cousin, friend, neighbor or otherwise triflin person, if not you have thought of doing it. So basically, i will check back to see what your thoughts are on various topics of interest. Take care until next time...