Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kiss and say goodbye!

This was recently sent to me in an e-mail from my wife. I thought it would be interesting to share....

Kiss and say goodbye!!

There used to be a group called the Manhattans. An early 70's group. This group had one of the smoothest tenor lead singers of all time. His name was Gerald Austin. The groups hit song was entitled "Let's just kiss and say Good-bye." It was a song about a break up between a couple that had been together for a long time. Many of you old-heads may say, "What do you know about that song boy." Well mom and dad used to play it a lot on the record player, we had it on 45!! Some of y'all know what I'm talking about. When I thought of the lyrics of the song it made me wonder about a kiss. "I had to meet you here today. There's just so many things to say. Please don't stop me til I'm through, this is something I hate to do. We've been meeting here so long.....etc....Please darling don't you cry, Let's just kiss and say good-bye! Powerful lyrics. But why a kiss? A kiss is a term of endearment. A kiss is something that is the seal of approval. Us guys always felt that getting the first kiss from a young lady was the start of something. A kiss is usually how you greet your wife. A kiss is how you say good night to your children. A kiss is what you share when you want to let a person know that you love them! So why in Luke 22:47 did Judas betray Jesus with a kiss? This gives a whole new meaning for a kiss! Jesus had 12 friends that we know as disciples. He chose his disciples Himself. The bible says that he knew one of them was the devil. So for 3 years of Jesus' life he walked, talked, and had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a man that he knew would betray Him. Some may wonder, why didn't Jesus expose Judas for what he was? Why did Jesus allow Judas to continue on with Him. The answer is simple. Jesus knew that prophecy had to be fulfilled. He knew he had an ultimate purpose in life. So in order to fulfill the promise, Jesus had to let someone he didn' t necessarily care for as a person tag along to keep Himself focused on the purpose. Here goes....Get ready to SHOUT! There are people in your life that are there only to bother you. These people are in your life to keep you on your knees. These people are in your life because they are apart of the problem and the solution. These same people will help catapult you to your destiny! When Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, he opened our eyes to the fact that a kiss is not always what we intend it to be. Be careful who you let put their lips on you. When I say lips it's not always in the kissing form. Be careful of who speaks well of you. Be careful of who always has an answer. Be careful of the ones that seem to like you but it's just something about them that you just can't put your finger on. Everyone in your life is not meant to stay in your life. Let's just kiss and say good bye. You can't carry everyone with you. There are some places that God wants you to go that only you can go. Learn to love, leave, and live your life as God intended! Next time you're betrayed by someone you THOUGHT was a friend, just remember "Let's Just Kiss and Say Good Bye! Jesus already knew the betrayal was on the way. So get over it, step on it, but don't live your life wondering Why?


Pam said...

I sent that e-mail to Lisa and several others last night. I am speechless on many levels. Why did you reserve comment on it since you posted it?

Jai said...

Hey Gerry very insightful thoughts. I enjoyed the read. DEEP! It is very reminiscent of an email that use to go around that conveyed a similar conclusion. It simply stated that people are in our lives for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. With that said I began to understand that we must take inventory over our lives and really see how God is using either of these 3 moments to teach us a profound lesson. With that said, I have had an opportunity to encounter all 3 and they have all turned out to be blessings in the end. I have forwarded this site to some of my friends, so enjoy the comments.