Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Say "I love you"

As I've grown and experienced different things over the years, I've found that I have failed to do something very important. Tell the people closest to me that I love them. I don't know what happened or what triggered me to make it a point to end all my conversations with the people I love and care about the most with, "I love you". I don't reserve this term of endearment for just family members, but my closest friends as well. I guess I think of the people in my life that I have lost and never said those words to and I wish that I had. Even though the love was in my heart, actions and deeds...There's nothing like telling a person that you love them.
Don't let a day go by without letting those you love know it. Don't just show it. Say it!! Let them know what they mean to you and the importance of having them in your life. To those that read this post, "I love you!" Spread the love!


Anonymous said...

I agree!! If you love someone, they should never have to question if you do because you don't tell them. I make it a point to tell family and friends I love them. they need toknow where they stand in my life and affections. You never know, you may be the only person who loves that person and be the reason they continue to go forward in life. LOVE and PRAYER CHANGES LIVES!!!

Pam said...

Love is important to life's existence. God has called us to love and while it is not easy, it is necessary. It is extremely important to tell folks how you feel. A kind word or expression can change a person's life. Life is short(a vapor according to the Bible). It shouldn't be taken for granted. It used to be difficult to express that sentiment, but it has become easier as I've grown older. I love you little brother, no matter where and how far life takes us.